Saturday, July 26, 2008

The jackal howls in the Lion's den

"Terrorists can surprise Us " - (Un)Hon'able PM Dr.Manmohan Singh
Well, it was no surprise to me and atleast a few million citizens in India. It is a well known fact that India is a sitting duck as far as terrorism is concerned. The terrorists have proven that they can strike at will at the place of their choosing.
"Please stay not venture out" - Shivraj Patil
These were the same words used by our home minster when there were blasts on the eve of Diwali (forgive me for not mentioning the year...there are so many blasts, I am unable to keep track of them.)
It made me wonder as to which home minster in his right senses would make such a statement. The home minster is supposed to say something like "Citizens, do not be afraid. Go ahead with your normal life. We will bring these cowards to book". But what do you expect from this minister who himself fosters cowardice in his citizens ?

I love my country too much to hate it, but I indeed have the right to be ashamed of it, as I consider it my own. The lethargy and apathy goes back to the way India won her freedom. I know that some readers would not accept this viewpoint, but I am of the belief that a non violent struggle for independence is tantamount to begging for alms. Why did the british leave India ?
hmm..maybe because they were too preoccupied with rebuilding their own country which was in virtual ruins after World War II. Does this seem like a plausible reason ?
The USA won their freedom gallantly, by waging a war of independence and fighting to the last man. Their epic war of independence portrayed valor which inspires americans even today.
The gutless way in which India won its independence sowed the seeds for the spinelessness that haunts us to this day.

POTA being revoked was like a blank cheque being handed out to terrorists outfits who have had a field day after the congress came to power. Well, the BJP wasn't the best , but atleast they tried.

"Come on, these terror attacks took place in BJP ruled states. Shouldn't Modi assume responsibility ?"

Well, the day you send an unarmed man into battle and expect him to win, Modi will assume resposibility. What can Modi or anyone for that matter do, when POTA has been revoked ? All they can do is sit and watch the dhamaka.

President Bush may be the laughing stock of many. But the sight of the President addressing people who had gathered atop the rubble of the WTC still remains etched in my memory.
He thundered "My friends, I can hear you...The world can hear you...and the people who did this will hear from all of us soon". He kept up his promise by kicking terrorist butt, a month later in Afghanistan. Osama bin laden may still be at large, but USA was never attacked again.
The only leader in India who does not evoke a sense of disdain and kindles a ray of hope is Narendra Modi. Among the various 'leaders' who played out a recorded message 'condemning these cowardly acts of terror', Modi was the only one who spoke about nabbing the perpetrators.
A beleagured nation watches with bated breath to see what the man dubbed as the 'Sher' of Gujarat can do. Afterall, his very constituency- Maninagar reeled under the impact of Saturday's attacks.
The lion has been attacked in its own den. The time has come, to let out a roar and start the hunt.